Explore Toucan Box
Before knowing about Toucan lets see the reason behind starting Toucan Box from its Owner Itself. Toucan Box was an idea of a lady named Virginie who is a mother of two kids. By reading books and surfing on Internet she found out that how important is to keep kids simulated till they start their schooling.
Once when she was watching a random kid’s show an idea blinked at her when she saw that how her 4 year old is interestingly watching stuffs being built from everyday household objects. From there an idea arose in her mind that why not tailor a box which consist of materials and activities as in a treasure box with educational and fun themes stuffed in it for kids to keep them entertained but in a productive way. This concept box was so much loved by her daughters so she decided to make such boxes for kids all over and now this concept has been an icon of success.

School Stickers is a similar store from where you can shop some very high end products.
Offers By Toucan Box
Toucan Box offers a wide range of treasure boxes namely
- Petite which is a single activity box.
- Grand which is a dual activity box.
- Super which consists of four activities.
All these boxes come with great deals and discounts due to which they are available at an affordable price.