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There are two types of ali Express discount codes available here. The first type will take you directly to the deal page on the online store. You just have to hit on the “redeem code”, and it will take you there.
For the second type, we will provide you a code that you will have to apply during the checkout process of the store website. For the latter one, follow these steps below for the
6 simple step to redeem Aliexpress voucher code
- Click on “Redeem code”. The discount code will be revealed, and you will be directed to the store website.
- Browse the website, and choose the product you would wish to buy.
- Select the required options, and click on “Add to Cart”.
- View your cart items, apply the redeemed promo code here, and proceed to checkout.
- Provide your details to create an account.
- Follow subsequent instructions to make the payment, and place the order.
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